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ESC2018 International Architecture Conference

Within the architectural industry it is now common practice to charm clients, government officials and journalists with win-win stories of "green growth", "sustainable development","inclusive place-making" and so on. But are socially and environmentally responsible practices truly compatible with economic success within our current financial and political systems?


Event co-organisers DOMA Initiatives have chosen the theme "Try and leave this world a little better than you found it" (a quote from Boy Scouts founder Richard Baden-Powell) for our Day 1 programme, beneath the overarching ESC:2018 conference theme "Architecture of Business, Business of Architecture."


It will be interesting to explore with participating architects (and audience members) what congruities and tensions between these two themes they have encountered in the delivery of projects and management of their respective firms. With one participant from South Korea, two from Thailand, and three based in Singapore (not to mention geographically diverse personal, educational and professional pedigrees) Day 1 also offers fertile ground for discussion of both commonalities and diversities among built environment practices across the massive and varied territory of Asia.

- Moderator Sarah Mineko Ichioka

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